Prayer Walks

At the annual meeting we talked about engaging with prayer as a
community, We want to provide an opportunity to pray for every street
in the parish. Why? Because prayer changes things, and we want to ask
God to bless our community! There is a short guide at the back of church
that might be helpful for some of us or you might want to read ‘a mile for
Jesus’ online here

There will be an organised prayer walk each week over the summer, on
various days at different times. We’re not aiming to cover millions of
streets each time, so don’t expect a hike (although probably still wear
sensible shoes), routes will vary, but will be between 30mins and 1
hour. All ages are welcome.

The summer 2024 dates and times are below, but if you’d
like to organise one to cover certain streets let Jen
know, and then we can spread the word to others
who might want to participate. You may be an
Olympic level prayer walker, or a complete novice,
everyone is welcome and we’d encourage all who are
physically able to find a way to join with one or more over the summer
months. Remember if one doesn’t come up that fits with your schedule, you can
organise one that does!

Next walks:

None arranged at present

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