In the foyer as you enter the church there is a small library of Christian books…the majority of which can be borrowed.
There is a Children’s Section by the window into the lounge, which contains story books, activity books and sheets, crayons, soft toys. These can be used during the services, as well as the resources available in the creche area.
There are also some books which can be borrowed, these will have a number in the top right hand corner of the front page.
The adult and young adult books can be found on the larger bookcase, overflowing into the bookcase alongside the stairs.
These are mainly non-fiction books arranged under the Dewey Decimal Classification System, religious section numbering – there is a small amount of fiction under the number 823 at the end of the sequence, as well as some worship music CDs.
There are a lot of small group resources under 220.2 along the top shelf.
The ‘pew’ Bibles have been relocated to the bookcase alongside the stairs – please feel free to pick one up on the way in for use in the services. There are a few Bibles on the window ledges in church. The reading(s) in the services are stated in the notice sheet (with church Bible page number given) and at 10.30am will shown on the screens during the service.
Please take a look at the catalogue, listing the resources in Title, Author and Location orders and if you want to take anything home just make a note of it in the A5 white folder on the desk.
Foyer Library – Location Order