We would love to support so many charities as a church – but have decided to choose 6 each year: a mix of local, national and international.
There are separate pages attached to this page, from the Home menu, which give further details and weblinks for each charity we are currently supporting. We also support Christian Aid‘s annual fundraising week and individual member’s of the congregation support their chosen charities. There are so many worthwhile causes to support.
Nominations for Charity Support 2025 NOW OPEN
As a church we are committed to giving away 10% of income to charities.
Over 2024 we have supported: CART, Christians Against Poverty (CAP), Embrace, Happy Days, Open Doors, St Augustine’s
Each year 2 charities are removed (but can be renominated), to allow for anyone in the congregation to nominate a charity. Then, in January, the PCC will choose two new charities, which we will continue to support for 3 years. It’s a difficult decision for the PCC, as there are so many good causes we could support, so the more information you can provide the better.
This year, CART and Open Doors will be automatically removed from our list.
If you would like to nominate (or re nominate) any charity, please do fill in the nomination form and return it to the church office by the deadline.
This form is available from the foyer, via email from the office or print charity nomination e form Dec 24. Please return it to the church office when completed.
Deadline is Friday 17th Jan 2025
Charity Support 2024
Christian Aid and Tearfund’s period of support came to an end in December 2023, and nominations were received from members of the congregation for two charities to support for three years from 2024. Christian Aid and Tearfund could be re-nominated.
The PCC voted on the nominations and the two charities chosen were: Embrace the Middle East and the St. Augustine’s Centre.
Embrace supports Christian partners in the Middle East as they work to transform lives and restore the dignity of the most excluded and marginalised communities. Where there is a need – for refuge, a home, health care , education, justice or human rights- they, with their partners, respond. https://www.embraceme.org
St. Augustine’s Centre is a local charity supporting asylum seekers and refugees who are rebuilding their lives in Calderdale. https://www.staugustinescentrehalifax.org