Safeguarding Notice & Documents

All Saints’ Halifax has adopted The Church of England Safeguarding Policy: Promoting a Safer Church – Click here to view or download

The application of this policy is reviewed every year – see the Policy Statement below


March 2025 Update

As a church we continue to be commited to safeguarding. Safeguarding is something we all, as a congregation, share responsibility for. The safeguarding team recently met and agreed to implement some small changes to help ensure that safeguarding is more visible around church…one of these changes you may have already spotted!

Our Parish Safeguarding Officer (Christine Bouckley) will be wearing a safeguarding lanyard at our 10.30am service; if Christine is not available on a Sunday, another of our safeguarding team will be wearing a safeguarding lanyard, so it is easier to find someone you can speak to about safeguarding, whether it’s a concern, suggestion or question. At community events we run, you’ll also find someone wearing the safeguarding lanyard. For those who attend the 9am service, you can always contact Christine directly (her details are on the weekly notice sheet, or on the poster as you enter church or above), or speak to Rev. Jen or a church warden. We hope this is another small help, to ensure we all keep safeguarding at the front of our minds, and understand who we can speak to, and the responsibilites we all share.